Freestyle Living Magazine Spring 2024 Edition


Foreword | Kathy Binner | CEO, and Editor-in-Chief

In the pages of Freestyle Living, you'll embark on a journey through the tapestry of life's most vibrant colors. This magazine is more than just a collection of articles; it's an invitation to embrace the art of living fully and authentically.

As you explore its captivating stories on working from home, passive income, entrepreneurship, writing, blogging, real estate investing, travel, tribe trips, collaboration, networking, plus health, and wellness, you'll find yourself inspired to infuse your own life with creativity and flair.

Join us on this adventure, where each article offers a new perspective and empowers you to savor life's opportunities and pleasures to the fullest. Welcome to a world of freestyle living!

Kathy Binner is an Executive Contributor, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of the Freestyle Living Magazine. As a way to give back and serve her clients, Kathy is writing her ‘Simply Start’ courses, facilitating her online Masterminds, and conducting her private coaching sessions. She is helping all who wish to connect, and discover a better healthier lifestyle, and a passive income option so that they too can take their Next Best Step to create a healthy lifestyle and passive income! You can connect with Kathy through her website at:


Celestially Spring 

The cosmos themselves are re-aligning this spring! But in fact, they do every single year. As Mother Earth begins a new journey around the sun the vernal equinox arrives at long last. The North Pole is crawling out of the cold confines of winter and now there are as many hours in the day as there are in the night, finally. But this year feels different. This year feels special. This year feels extra. Maybe it’s because of the total solar eclipse? Maybe it's because aliens are real? Or maybe it’s just because I’m a blonde now. 

Our planetary juxtaposition toward the sun is indeed the reason for the season. And like a seed planted in the garden of the Milky Way, we are beginning to sprout new life. As frozen lakes begin to thaw and rivers resume flowing, life slowly comes out of hibernation. We shake off our sleep inertia and awaken to the world refreshed and energized, gloriously optimistic about the possibilities of the new year. Birds begin singing and building nests, herds of deer are on the move and hungry for nature’s bounty, and rabbits are humping like,… well, rabbits. Birth is the hallmark of spring, after all. 

(In my best National Geographic narrator voice) “Springtide migrations are underway, and in Ohio, one can observe the return of the snowbirds. Having spent winter away in the warm tropics, these majestic flightless creatures can be relied upon to return to their roots like clockwork every year. Regaling family, friends, neighbors (and anyone who will listen) with tales of long days spent at the beach, successful nights spent at the casino, and countless all-you-can-eat seafood buffets. Often reminding their peers that they don’t even *own* an ice scraper any longer. Yes, dear viewers, the snowbirds are one of nature’s most sadistic species indeed.” 

Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Renewed purpose and increased drive. The housing market also starts to thaw as families begin to plan and prepare for their envisioned futures. Spring cleaning is underway with the mantra of “out with the old, and in with the new!” Listing season brings about a symphony of selling tactics: people can be seen cleaning gutters, laying mulch, and painting exteriors. Because everyone knows that curb appeal is very important, as you only get one chance to make a first impression. And spring is our first season of the new year; our first impression of it. Take a look around, what do you see? I see nothing but possibilities for you and me! 

Kyle Brandon is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine. He is a Realtor in Central Ohio and can be reached through his website:

Kyle Brandon Realtor® (

[email protected]


The Outrageously Awesome Guide to Ditching Screens and Basking in Nature's Glory

In today's warp-speed, screen-addicted world, the call of the wild often gets drowned out by the seductive glow of our gadgets. But fear not, fellow adventurers! It turns out there's more to life than endless scrolling and pet videos. Brace yourselves for a wild ride as we uncover the uproarious health benefits of ditching the digital dungeon and embracing the great outdoors!

First up, let's talk about exercise, but forget stuffy gym memberships and clunky equipment. We're talking about nature's gym – where the only membership fee is a love for fresh air and sunshine. Whether you're strutting through the park with pals, cycling through scenic landscapes, or busting a move in an impromptu outdoor Zumba class, you're not just burning calories, you're also sculpting your body while soaking up Mother Nature's finest.

And speaking of sunshine, it turns out it's not just good for getting a tan (or avoiding one if that's your style). Those golden rays are like nature's multivitamin, pumping us full of vitamin D – the superhero prohormone that strengthens bones boosts the immune system, and puts a skip in your step. So, soak up some sun and let your inner sunshine shine!

But wait, there's more! Nature isn't just about getting your sweat on; it's also a VIP ticket to Chilltown. Research says hanging out in green spaces reduces stress and anxiety faster than a puppy parade. So, whether you're taking a stroll through a park or getting lost in the woods (figuratively, hopefully not literally), nature's tranquility is the ultimate chill pill.

Now, let's talk about screens – those pesky, attention-sucking vortexes of doom. Sure, they're great for binge-watching your favorite shows or scrolling through memes, but too much screen time can turn you into a sedentary, stress-ridden zombie. So, do yourself a favor and give your eyes a break. Nature's pixels are way prettier, trust me.

And as spring bursts into bloom, it's the perfect time to unleash your inner gardener. Digging in the dirt isn't just for earthworms; it's a therapeutic workout for your body and soul. So, grab a shovel, get your hands dirty, and watch your stress sprout into a beautiful garden of zen.

So, fellow nature enthusiasts, let's turn off our screens, lace up our shoes, and venture into the wild unknown. Because in a world obsessed with virtual reality, nothing beats the hilariously unpredictable, beautifully absurd reality of nature. Let's go get our Vitamin D – the natural way! 🌿🌞

Rita Brewer is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine. She is a Physician Associate and Health Coach who is passionate about helping her clients reverse their type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related health conditions. You can connect with her through her website:

GOING GREEN | Debbie Marks

Featured Article

Spring into Gardening: How to Start a Vibrant Garden this Season

  Let us explore the joys of spring gardening and provide practical tips to help you get started

As winter transitions to spring, many embrace the outdoors, eager for the season of growth. Starting a garden is a rewarding way to connect with nature. Experienced gardeners like Rick and I plan early, while novices with a green thumb also yearn to create vibrant outdoor spaces to share with family and friends.

Spring signifies renewal and abundance, making it ideal for gardening. It is a time when dormant plants awaken from their winter slumber, and the landscape transforms into a tapestry of colors and scents. As the days lengthen and the temperatures rise, plants respond by sprouting new leaves, buds, and flowers. This natural rhythm of growth makes spring an ideal season to kickstart your gardening journey.

Begin by choosing a suitable space, whether a backyard, balcony, or sunny windowsill. Consider factors like sunlight, soil quality, and water access. Whether you have a spacious backyard, a small balcony, or even just a sunny windowsill, there are gardening options to suit every location. If space is limited, vertical gardening or container gardening can be excellent alternatives that maximize available space.

Prepare the soil by assessing its composition and adding organic matter for fertility and drainage. Do this early enough before planting to give the soil time to revive itself. Then select plants according to your climate zone, opting for plants that thrive in your region during spring, summer, and, including the fall months. There is nothing like seeing the colors of your plants against the sun setting in the West. Most popular spring plants include tulips, daffodils, pansies. Do not forget these favorite perennial herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary for your culinary pleasures. 

🪴 "We start our plant seeds in labeled starter cups in March, nurturing them until they sprout. Transfer them to a warm, well-lit space indoors before gradually acclimatizing them outdoors after the last frost."

Follow planting guidelines for spacing, depth, and watering. Regular care like watering, mulching, and fertilizing ensures a thriving garden. As you tend to your garden, consider incorporating sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact and promote biodiversity. Use organic fertilizers and pest control methods to nurture a healthy ecosystem without harmful chemicals. Composting kitchen scraps and using rainwater collection systems are eco-friendly strategies that contribute to a more sustainable garden.

As spring progresses into summer, enjoy the beauty of nature's cycles. Share your homegrown produce and flowers with loved ones. Gardening in spring is a fulfilling journey that connects us with nature's rhythms and nourishes the soul. So, as spring unfolds its splendor, into the summer months, let your garden be a testament to the beauty and abundance of this magical season.

Most importantly, share the joys of gardening with family and friends, whether sharing your homegrown produce with those who are not able to garden themselves. By inviting friends over for a barbeque featuring some of your fresh veggies, or by gifting bouquets of freshly picked flowers to those around you.

Debbie Marks is a staff writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine. She is a global marketing entrepreneur, author, speaker, health & wellness coach, home-based business coach, social media trainer, & organic homesteader. Debbie is a regional sales director for Melaleuca and facilitates her monthly podcast, Fireside Chat with Debbie Marks.

A LIFE OF SERVICE | Carmella Banks

Springtime in the Air

Springtime to me is a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal. It’s one season I look forward to because it is the end of winter, the days get longer, and it’s when nature awakens. The fresh new crisp air becomes warmer, flowers begin to bloom, trees regain their green leaves, and the grass is greener.

Spring represents a fresh start; it is a time when you can let go of the past and embrace new beginnings. It’s a season of hope, growth, and transformation. Just as plants emerge from the ground and blossom, people also often use this time to do spring cleaning. Out with the old and in with the new. It is the time most will embark on new personal growth journeys, pursue new goals, or make positive changes in their lives.


The concept of rebirth in springtime is deeply rooted in various traditions around the world for many people. For me, I associate it with the Easter Season, it reminds me of the resurrection, and it is a spiritual awakening.

Springtime and rebirth go hand in hand, reminding us of the recurring nature of life and endless possibilities for growth and transformation. It is a time to celebrate the beauty of renewal and to embrace the opportunities for change and rejuvenation that come with the changing of seasons. One of the many things I enjoy is being of service during the springtime. Springtime gives me a renewal of energy and it lifts the blanket of darkness and the wintertime blues. The sunshine not only does it give me the recharge of vitamin D; but it brings a big smile to my face and a sense of joy and happiness.

There are so many things to do also within your community. With the arrival of warmer weather, you have community cleanups, spring is the perfect time for gardening. It is also a busy time for farmers as they begin to prepare their fields and crops for the growing season.

Overall, springtime can provide a vibrant backdrop for service activities that promote community engagement, environmental stewardship, and collective well-being. By harnessing the energy and spirit of renewal that characterize the season, individuals and groups can make meaningful impacts and contribute to positive change.

Carmella Banks is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine and is a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA Essential Oils. You can connect with Carmella through her linked-in profile at:

Or on her Facebook group at:

IMPACT Success | Cheri Dotterer

Celebrate Earth Day with Fun Science Experiments

Science is everywhere! From the ingredients in your kitchen to the technology we use daily, science plays a vital role in our lives. This Earth Day, why not explore the wonders of science with your kids? Here are five simple experiments you can do at home this spring. Remember to record your observations!

  • Rain Cloud in a Jar: Show your kids how clouds hold water until they're too heavy and rain falls. Fill a clear jar with water, leaving some space at the top. Add shaving cream to represent a cloud. Have the kids drop food coloring onto the shaving cream and watch the "rain" seep into the water.

  • Chromatography Flowers: This fun experiment explores color separation. Cut coffee filter paper into flower shapes. Have the kids draw a circle in the center with washable markers. Place the flower in a shallow dish with water so the tip touches the water. Watch as the colors spread, creating a beautiful flower pattern.

  • Sunlight and Plant Growth: Teach your kids about the importance of sunlight for plants. Plant identical seeds in separate pots and place some in a sunny area and others in a shaded area. Observe and record the differences in growth over time.

  • Homemade Weather Station: Learn about weather patterns by creating a simple weather station with a thermometer, rain gauge, and wind vane. Have your kids record the temperature, rainfall, and wind direction daily.

  • Creating a Mini Greenhouse: Demonstrate the greenhouse effect by making a mini greenhouse. Place some seeds in a small pot with soil inside a clear plastic container or a large ziplock bag. Seal it and place it in a sunny spot. Observe how the moisture condenses on the walls and waters the plant.

These experiments are educational and spark kids' curiosity and creativity. Explore science together and encourage your kids to share their experiences.

They can write to me at [email protected] with their stories and observations.

Cheri Dotterer is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine and is an IMPACT Success Blueprint Collaboration Coach. Author of "Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect" and contributor to seminal works, she’s set to release "Math DYS-connected," co-authored with Jonily Zupancic. She owns Dotterer Educational Consulting and The Writing Glitch Podcast. You can connect with Cheri through her website at:

LAKE TALKS | Ruth Pierce

Featured Article

Cultivating Deep Roots of Self-Value

What does a strong self-value have in common with growing healthy plants? It is all about creating a healthy growth environment and how deep the roots go.

We hear a lot about self-care these days. Self-care is beneficial. It is important to realize you are important and take the time to care for yourself, to spend time on yourself. Self-care is not the same as self-value, however. It is more surface, with roots at the surface. Self-esteem is not the same as self-value either. Self-esteem is based on your circumstances, your successes, and your accomplishments. These can change, negatively affecting your self-esteem. Storms can shake your self-esteem since the roots are not deep. Your self-value is not affected by external factors.

A genuine, deep self-value that is not easily shaken, starts in your core, not your physical core, but your emotional one. This emotional core is where your root system resides. Here is where you cultivate, just like the plants and vegetables you plant, the best growth environment possible for those roots to thrive. You create beliefs that focus on hope, that good and not bad will come. You create beliefs in yourself–that you are enough, and you have enough. You believe in yourself–that you do have deep value. Your value is because of who you are, not anything you have accomplished or not done. 

As your core self-value sinks even deeper roots, you soon realize that you do not need to compare yourself to others. Competition is no longer important to you. Your self-value is who you are without any comparison to anyone else. You celebrate with others when they thrive. 

As your genuine self-value continues to thrive, it naturally and organically overflows to others. It operates from an abundance mentality in time, money, and other resources. You have the wisdom of knowing when to keep resources, or with our analogy of a plant, nutrients for yourself. Not out of a scarcity mentality, but valuing what you need to thrive so that you can overflow to others. Can you see yourself blossoming and spreading your special goodness to everyone around you? 

🦋 My question to you is how deep are your self-value roots?

As action steps, take an honest assessment of where your self-value is today. Then cultivate it. Develop deep roots of who you are. Strengthen your beliefs in yourself. These self-value roots will keep you thriving no matter what comes your way.

Ruth Pierce is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living magazine. She is a Relationship Maximizer, using relationship insights from almost 50 years of marriage and over 10 years in Human Resource Management.

You can connect with her through her Linktree:


From Puddles to Curiosity Portals

What is the deal with children and water puddles? 

I remember
during each Spring of our growing up years, my youngest brother had to splash in every single puddle on his way home from school. Puddles were absolutely irresistible to him.

As for me at that age,
insatiable curiosity and never-ending questions marked my identity. And you know, they still do!

The great thing
about living now versus the prehistoric, pre-computer dawn of time when I grew up is that I can get virtually any question answered in mere moments using powerful tools on my desktop computer or the mobile device in the palm of my hand. 

Is this the *best time ever*
to be alive, or what?

If you haven't yet begun
dabbling with this AI thing that's recently captured the imagination of the world, I invite you to check it out. (Note: just in case you've been under a rock for a while, AI is Artificial intelligence - not some guy named AL.)

For example,
a few months ago during football season, I asked my AI app what that black string gizmo is that NFL referees wear on their hands. I got the answer in about 2 seconds!

Yesterday I heard
an intriguing quote, and asking my AI app about it led me down a fascinating rabbit hole of literature, philosophy, and art. 

You can grab
the free mobile versions of several AI apps and have them available on your phone for quick answers whenever a question strikes you.

Here are a few
suggested apps you can check out:

Perplexity -
powerful and intuitive, suggests follow-up questions for you and shows references.

Microsoft Copilot -
the mobile version gives you the power of ChatGPT4 (AI text) and DALL-E (AI art) for free in the palm of your hand.

Google Gemini Assistant -
get it via your Gmail or Google Workspace account. You can search through all of your emails, research air flights and hotels online, and search the vast world of YouTube in mere seconds.

All three of these apps
allow you to speak your question using the microphone feature (instead of typing, ugh!), and all three allow you to copy or share your results with other people and other apps.

Begin today,
and you'll soon find that you're comfortably using this technology, reaching for it naturally and automatically whenever a question arises.

Ask, explore, and cherish
each 'aha' moment.

My wish for you
is that you'll know the absolute delight of staying open, asking questions like a fresh-faced child, and receiving fascinating answers to all of your questions!

Linda Thomas
is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living magazine. She is on a mission to help individuals and their families live their best possible lives, filled with personal growth, productivity, financial freedom, time freedom, vibrant relationships, and lasting legacies. She covers a variety of topics, all fitting with the theme: "I Choose Abundance." You can catch up with her at:

PEN AND PROSE | Sandy Kachurek

When the Imagination is Soil, and the Ideas are Seeds

When I think of seeds, I see a gardener kneeling over rich dirt, placing seeds, one by one into the earth, envisioning the zinnias or the hollyhocks that will bloom in a few weeks.

However, no matter how carefully planned a garden can be, there is always a chance of something else coming alive. An unexpected tomato plant next to the daisies or one brilliant yellow marigold in a patch of orange ones.

The seeds of writing are a lot like the gardeners except a writer’s seeds are ideas. Using the imagination as the rich soil, an author’s ideas are endless, and the final blooms, are often amazing.

For example, here is a given assignment. Look out your window and describe what you see. As a response, let’s say the view is of two people chatting in a driveway.

It sounds pretty predictable. Here are the seeds. Plant them. Yet, for a writer, the variety is as creative as an unattended meadow of wildflowers.

From out-of-that-window observation, a story writer plots out a contemporary novel of two people coming to terms with their heartaches when they finally share their feelings for each other. An essay writer’s use of the view is an outline of a debate on needed housing in overcrowded areas of town. For a poet, the two standing in the driveway express the joy of human connection.

The imagination is one of the most important of a writer’s tools because it generates ideas, which are the seeds that bloom in both planned and unpredictable ways. Who knows what colors will erupt or what aromas will fill the air?

In the end, the popular question, “Where did you come up with that idea?” is a challenge to answer. But within the mind, the writer may, metaphorically, take off the gardening gloves and whisper a thank you to the power of the imagination and the fertile seeds it sows.

🌹 In the garden of dreams, where the mind takes flight,

Imagination blooms in the soft, fertile light.

Seeds of ideas, scattered with care,

Nurtured by passion, they start to flare.

With each tender thought, a new shoot appears,

Roots delve deep, banishing doubts and fears.

Creativity blossoms, vibrant and bold,

In the garden of dreams, where stories are told.

So, tend to your garden, let your visions take heed,

For when imagination is soil, there's no limit to seed.

Sandy Kachurek is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine. She is the director of Into the Springs Writers' Workshop. The 2024 details for the workshop are available now!. 

You can connect with Sandy through her email at: [email protected] or connect with her on her Facebook page at:


Featured Article

Breaking Free from Vapor Lock: Your Call to Action for Progress

Are you experiencing vapor lock in your life? Much like in aviation or engines where a blockage hinders fuel flow, vapor lock in life occurs when obstacles prevent forward movement. My question to you is: “Are you vapor-locked in your life?”

As we move into April, let's skip the cliché of New Year's resolutions and talk about meaningful, achievable goals. By now, we've surpassed "Quitter's Day," a phenomenon occurring on the second Friday in January when many abandon their resolutions. If you've intentionally given up on your goals, that's one thing. However, if you've fallen victim to complacency, it's time to address how you can break free from the vapor lock and propel yourself forward.

In the absence of a constant motivator, the question arises – what is your call to action? What will serve as the catalyst to propel you forward when you're stuck in life’s vapor lock of hesitation or reluctance?

The call to action is that powerful trigger, an event or phrase that bypasses mental and emotional barriers, prompting progress. It's the emotional force that overrides complacency and instills a sense of urgency to move forward.

Here, are some of my favorite calls to action and why they hold significance for me:

"Imperfect Action is Better than Perfect Inaction" - Harry S. Truman This quote encapsulates the essence of progress – the idea that taking imperfect action is far more valuable than staying stagnant due to the pursuit of perfection. Truman's words remind us that the journey toward our goals is riddled with imperfections, but it's the continuous effort that brings about positive change.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” - Dr. Wayne Dyer A profound reminder to alter our perspective, Dr. Dyer's quote encourages us to reconsider not only physical objects but also situations, actions, and inactions, and, most importantly, ourselves. By challenging our inner demons and viewing them as powerless entities that thrive on negativity, we can strip away their influence and reclaim control.

"Shut the Fu*k Up, Just Do Something" Sometimes, it boils down to this blunt yet effective call to action. Progress requires action, even if it means making mistakes, messing up, and learning along the way. Confidence is built through the courage to start, experiment, and move forward, irrespective of the hurdles.

Break free from vapor lock by discovering your unique call to action. Whether it's Truman's encouragement to embrace imperfect action, Dyer's plea to change perspectives, or the straightforward directive to "Just Do Something," find the emotional trigger that propels you forward in moments of stagnation. Your journey toward progress begins with a simple yet powerful call to action. I will ask you again:

🌻“Are you vapor-locked in life?” 

“What will move you forward emotionally, psychologically?” 

“What is YOUR Call to Action?”

L. Mason VanDyke is a Staff Writer for the Freestyle Living Magazine. He is not just an author but a captivating storyteller, weaving narratives that transport readers into rich, immersive worlds of imagination. You can connect with L Mason VanDyke through his email at:
[email protected]

PEACE OF MIND | Estella Blake

Spring Renewal: Blossoming with Legal and Identity Theft Protection

Ah, the season of renewal is upon us, promising to rejuvenate both our personal and professional lives. Just like the vibrant transformation of nature during spring, it's time to ensure we're living a life that's both just and secure. Enter LegalShield, a division of PPLSI, offering a comprehensive legal protection service that empowers you to navigate life's legal landscape confidently and securely, all at a fraction of the typical attorney's hourly rate.

Sprouting Solutions: Your Legal Garden

Imagine having access to a team of attorneys just a phone call away—no need to worry about bills. LegalShield provides prompt and effective legal assistance, tackling your legal challenges head-on while reducing fear, stress, loss of time, and the drain on your wallet. It's like having a garden full of affordable legal services: consultation on unlimited personal matters (even pre-existing), contract and document reviewed, wills and healthcare & financial powers of attorney prepared, traffic ticket assistance, even 24/7 emergency legal support, and more. Let a LegalShield plan be your legal garden’s sunshine!

Cultivating Confidence: Guarding Against Identity Storms  

With PPLSI's IDShield plan, you're equipped with proactive monitoring and alerts, a virtual private network for your devices, malware protection, and privacy management to fend off identity theft and fraud. IDShield monitors your credit reports, social media, and public records, giving you peace of mind knowing your information is actively protected. Identity theft can feel like a sudden spring thunderstorm, but IDShield acts as a rainbow, resolving issues and restoring peace of mind. Sleep better knowing experts, including a licensed private investigator when needed, guarantee to restore your identity to its pre-theft glory while you are able to continue living your life! 

Blooming Business: Legal Support for Entrepreneurs 

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, LegalShield's small business legal plans cultivate success for you by offering invaluable support to defend, run, and grow your venture. Business attorneys assist you with consultation on unlimited business matters, document reviews, letters and phone calls, custom contracts, trademark and copyright issues, litigation representation, and more. With LegalShield, you can make better business decisions, navigate legal complexities confidently, and watch your venture bloom and prosper. 

In summary, let PPLSI (LegalShield & IDShield) be your identity and legal sunshine this spring, nurturing your personal, family, and business safety and security. With LegalShield, you can cultivate a flourishing garden of legal and identity theft protection that will continue to bloom throughout the seasons, ensuring a safe and secure life beyond the garden's edge. It's time to embrace spring's renewal with LegalShield by your side—your key to a worry-free and vibrant life!

Estella Blake is a staff writer for the Freestyle Living magazine. She is an HR Professional, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SPC, and Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), Employee Benefits, and Small Business Consultant. Estella is a Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (LegalShield/IDShield) Associate, offering legal and identity theft plans to individuals, small business owners, and employees, and she is adding more associates to her team. Contact Estella at or

Honoring an Angel: Remembering Stephanie Mila Jenkins

Stephanie Mila Jenkins was more than just a businesswoman; she was an inspiration, a mentor, and a friend. I first met Stephanie when she was hosting an event at the local Chamber of Commerce. Her poise and ease in front of a crowd left a lasting impression on me, and I knew I wanted to emulate her confidence and passion for real estate. Little did I know, our paths would cross again years later, leading to a partnership that would change both of our lives.

Stephanie had a natural gift for speaking and connecting with people, which made her an invaluable asset in the real estate industry. She was always willing to share her knowledge and expertise with others, whether it was coaching new investors or lining up properties for us to view. Together, we formed a dynamic team, and our partnership flourished as we navigated the ups and downs of the real estate market.

But our journey together was not without challenges. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stephanie fell ill, and despite our best efforts to support her, we ultimately had to say goodbye far too soon. Her passing left a void in our lives and in the hearts of everyone who knew her.

In memory of Stephanie Mila Jenkins, we have created the Stephanie Mila Jenkins Initiative to honor her legacy and continue her passion for helping others succeed in the real estate industry. Through this initiative, we have already provided education and support to several individuals aspiring to become real estate agents, empowering them to follow in Stephanie's footsteps and make a positive impact in their communities.

To create a legacy in the name of your Angel, you too can start a non-profit organization by following these steps:

  1. Define your mission and goals: Clearly outline the purpose and objectives of your non-profit, ensuring alignment with your loved one's passions and values.
  2. Research legal requirements: Familiarize yourself with the legal regulations and requirements for establishing a non-profit organization in your jurisdiction.
  3. Develop a business plan: Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your organization's structure, funding sources, programs, and strategies for sustainability.
  4. Register your non-profit: Complete the necessary paperwork and filings to officially register your organization as a non-profit entity.
  5. Build a support network: Recruit volunteers, board members, and community partners who share your vision and can contribute their time, skills, and resources to support your cause.
  6. Launch and promote your initiative: Host events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns to introduce your non-profit to the community and attract support for your mission.

By following these steps and honoring your Angel’s memory, you can create a meaningful legacy that continues to make a difference in the world for years to come.

Kathy Binner is an Executive Contributor, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of the Freestyle Living Magazine. As a way to give back and serve her clients, Kathy is writing her ‘Simply Start’ courses, facilitating her online Masterminds, and conducting her private coaching sessions. In her free time, she enjoys writing, hiking, cycling, and ballroom dancing! You can connect with Kathy through her website at:

Called to Speak Lead & Impact:

20+ Experts Share Wisdom and Lessons on Life and Business



Kathy Binner | Executive Contributor, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief
Kathy Binner | Executive Contributor, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief 

Katie Bauer | Creative Editor
Katie Bauer | Creative Editor

Kyle Brandon | Happiest at Home
Kyle Brandon | Happiest at Home

Ruth Pierce | Lake Talks
Ruth Pierce | Lake Talks

Rita Brewer | Wellness Wins
Rita Brewer | Wellness Wins

Linda Thomas | I Choose Abundance
Linda Thomas | I Choose Abundance

L Mason VanDyke | Deeper Awareness
L Mason VanDyke | Deeper Awareness

Cheri Dotterer | IMPACT Success
Cheri Dotterer | IMPACT Success

Carmella Banks | A Life of Service
Carmella Banks | A Life of Service

Sandy Kachurek | Pen & Prose
Sandy Kachurek | Pen & Prose

Debbie Marks | Going Green

Estella Blake | Peace of Mind


Freestyle Living Magazine | Spring 2024 |
Freestyle Living Magazine | Winter 2024 |
Freestyle Living Magazine | Fall 2023 |